1. I used to use my words to hurt others, not as much now. Sometimes I do ACT patient or loving (even when I don’t feel like it), but I feel that that is a part of growing. I can’t wait until I no longer ACT and I truly love instead.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Greatly appreciate the prayer…it says what I want to say
    Heidi J

  3. No fake….just an imperfect child of God….learning …and God I need you and your guidance daily…help me to do right by you God ….use me to build another chapter in your story….your story God not mine…
    I give you the praise…

  4. Mandy Savings says:

    I agree with ‘newequus’ – I’ve been concerned about being “fake” while taking this challenge. Almost like I need to fake it till I feel it. I’m thankful though that God sees and knows my heart and KNOWS our hearts and is full of grace.

  5. jesuslove1020 says:

    Virginia, I can definitely relate to you! I live my life suing a lot of faking in things I do and say, and sometimes, when I need to be put back on the right track, my family helps me. A lot of times I forget to thank them for all that they have done. These cards would help me show them the appreciation that they rightfully deserve!

  6. We need to show fruit. I’ll admit that there have been years where I’m sure nobody saw any growth in me. God had to take me to a low place to get me to see that He is the reason that we live. In the past few months He has worked so much in me that I hope and pray that others can see the growth in me and that the production of fruit has begun again.

  7. I have to say being fake is one of the worries that I have with this challenge. I want to make sure that the changes people see are not just another layer covering up the mess that is still inside.

  8. Becoming aware of those ugly things that infect us hurts….disappoints…..but then again, it gives me hope that He is helping me realize my flaws and is changing my heart!! Thank you Jesus!

  9. I bought those watercolor cards from Debbie last year in Amarillo, TX. I love to hear her speak. I have been fake and am trying to stop. this challenge is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. And the hardest. God bless everyone who is taking this challenge.

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