1. Great question at the end. Will have to think on that. <3

  2. I’ve done this as well on birthdays, looking back on the last year as full of missed opportunities, heartbreaks, missed goals, and bad choices. Instead I need to take this approach and focus on all the GOOD that came out of the year! Each year I improve, each year I grow closer to God, each year I get one step closer to becoming the woman of God I want to be, each year I become a better mother and a better friend. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed with the failures and let-downs of the previous year, and to have an all out cry out! But when you focus on all the positive instead, even the smallest improvements, it makes such a HUGE difference! Your attitude and outlook are one of blessing and progress and excitement for all you can do this year. Thank you for posting this! 🙂

  3. Content “In a state of peaceful happiness”. And what state would that be? California, Oregon, New York? LOL …

    To be content is up to us…How we handle and deal with situations…I cant do it on my own….I need God to help me or I end up messing everything up…
    To stay focused on him trusting believing…That will help me to be content knowing my father chose me…Peaceful Happiness is from him…

  4. Happy Birthday! Contentment is sometimes an issue for me. Not because I don’t feel it but because I was told if I was content, I was moving backwards and not forwards. I know this was not good advice but it has taken years to let myself be content.

  5. Happy Birthday Cheri! Contentment is one of the biggest things I’ve been working on for the past few months. I know my biggest obstacles and I’m praying for guidance and direction from God. I want to be content. I want to be thankful and grateful for everything He brings me in my lifetime. I want to choose joy over all other emotions but I know I can’t do it without Him. Have a wonderful birthday!

  6. Marcene Saxman says:

    Happy Birthday! Still “chewing” on yesterday’s word GUARD and offshoot Gratitude and today see Cheri as a Prov.31 woman…..While acknowledging God’s infinite wisdom in having men write down “God-breathed” scripture, if women had been the scribes, we would have a much longer “love letter from God.” Interspersed between the verses would be a litany of reflections (reflections NOT complainng) on the daily lives of women who “select wool and flax…grasp spindle….open arms to the poor….make bed coverings” in spite of having to wire the bumper back on the car, replace the splint on the cat’s leg, again, grade papers while “trading profitably and planning so her lamp does not go out at night” rob Peter to Paul (no new summer sandals) in order to pay for at least half of the cost of a new cell phone for the daughter, while hitting their knees to pray for space in summer class for the son (of course not wishing ill on any others on waitinglist)……Yes, Cheri and her sisters in the Lord have a lot for which to be thankful and with which to be content……family, friends, work, living in a beautiful area, health and a sense of fun and strength, joy and peace in the Lord. Thank you Cheri and please forgive all the quotation marks but could not do italics and not face to face for those irritating “air quotes.”

  7. Thank you. I needed this today.

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